At Crown, we use only the highest-quality materials available, working to ensure our products will stand the test of time. Making every order in house and to your specifications, we work with you to ensure that what we send you matches what you envisioned.



Quality is at the core of every one of our products. From raw materials to finished goods, we offer a very high end product at a fair price. Combining old-world craftsmanship and the latest in CNC technology, we achieve the highest quality with a hands-on approach. Quality control checks and double-checks are in place to guarantee that each item lives up to our highest standards and the product you receive is the best available each and every time.





In the more than three decades that we have been in business, most of our growth has come from word-of-mouth recommendations. We are committed to you as our customers and will do everything we can to make your ordering experience as smooth as possible. Our courteous and knowledgeable customer service representatives are ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have, and our experienced staff of craftsman and artisans are prepared to turn your ideas into reality.